
BLOG - 5 Changes To My Study Programme

  Hello class, today I will talk about the carrer that I decide to study. This is theatrical acting. The curriculum of my career is quite focused on acting, script writing and theatrical direction. Although it is important to emphasize that because the career its called theatrical acting, this subject is where it goes more in to it.     As you go through the different years of the career, you go deeper into these subjects that teach those skills necessary for job opportunities. The workload is high and does not allow for rest on holidays or weekends, because we work rehearsing in groups, so agreeing and managing tolerance is also a great teaching of this course.   The duration of the studies is five years, where in the fourth year you come out with a production that gives the bachelor's degree and in fifth year you work on professional practice, which is another production that can travel to theaters.   The infrastructure is old and cannot cope, more and more attempts are made to i

BLOG - 4 Time Travel to the Past or Future

I have always wanted to go to the past. This is because when I was a child, my grandfather uses to told me stories about his life in other world, because he thinks that the life in the past was so much different that the life we live now. This is why I started to search about the 30´s or 50´s, but then I came to know the 20´s and I think that’s the time that I like. I decided this period to go if I could, not long ago, when I saw the movie “The wolf of wall street” despite of I dream with this time before, in this movie I could appreciate the clothes and music mainly and there is where I want to go.  I want  to know the 20´s in Europe because I don’t know nothing of the 20´s in other place, or what I know its the colonialism in America so I prefer to experiment the magic I see in the movies.  I think that my time travel it’s a trip of curiosity, what I want to say is that I don’t want to stay in that time, because is a dream based on the cinema but I know that it’s an awful time for wo

BLOG 3 - My dream job

When I was little, I always had many dreams of what I would like to be when I grow up... When I was 5 years old I was given a cash register toy. That was my first dream, to be a supermarket cashier. I loved the sound of the toy and serving people. Afterwards I began to really like the sky and the stars. When I was 10 years old I would go out with my friends at night to play games in my condo and we would watch the stars while talking about the sky, God, music, etc. We were very thoughtful children. Later, as I grew older, I began to really like art in general, especially drawing and painting. At my school I attended theater workshops and I loved being on stage and playing. I was having a great time. That feeling helped me choose what I study now, theater acting. I love my career and I have a great time studying. In the future I hope to be able to act in plays, be part of a company, take theater classes in places of social risk and I would love to travel doing theater and learning about

BLOG 2 - My first adventure trip

  Hello class, my name Is Antonia Salazar and   today i will talk about   "my first adventure trip". It was the summer of 2019  and the first   time  in my entire   life  that I had then courage  to experience trekking.  That time I traveled   to  Torres del Paine National Park   with my friend Iván   and we did the “Circuit O” .   It was eight days of trekking to get  to know the entire   park.  As it was our   first time,  those   days   were the worst experience  I have ever had.  For trekking we needed to put  a weight proportional  to our   body type and abilities   in our  backpack.   The problem was that the  maximum weight  I could carry   in my backpack   was 10 kilograms,   but I ended up carrying 19,  so the first  day   was the beginning of my pain.  Every day we had to re-set up and   pack the tent because   we had to   walk to the   next campsite. During the walk I began  to get wounds and blisters on my feet,   and each day the   wounds got worse and worse.  On

BLOG 1 - A Country/Place I Would Like/Love To Visit

The first time I learned about this island was in the movie "Eat, Pray and Love". I fell in love with the blue sea and the green landscape that the film showed. I fell in love with Jullia Robberts riding her bike through the rice fields immediately. Later when I investigated the place I learned that Bali is an Indonesian island on the other side of the world... I thought; If I want to go there, I'll have to cross the entire world to get there... I loved that idea! because one of my dreams is to see the whole world and Bali can be my final stop. I started researching more about Bali. It is an island with many Hindu temples, rice fields, beautiful beaches, volcanic mountains, etc. It is a very touristy island, every year many people go to visit it, there are big hotels, tours that charge a lot of money, etc. However, I wouldn't like to get to know the island that way. I would like to tour the island by bicycle to go to the places where no one goes, see the not so touris

My Favorite Actress

 Hello bloggers!  Today I will talk about an actress that I admire. Claudia di Girolamo is a 66 year old Chilean actress, theater director and academic, considered the best performer of the performing arts in the history of Chilean television and one of the best actresses of the Chilean theater of the 21st century. I really admire her as she was the first actress that caught my attention when I was a child. I saw her on TV, and I was impressed with her performance and from there I followed her in every TV series, and she always surprised me more. Until she became my maximum reference. This actress has contributed with her versatile acting style, from characterization to dialect. In theater, she is known for her rigid and determined performance of strong female roles in literary dramas and contemporary tragedies. This makes her an admirable feminist since she proposed from the professional work and did not allow herself to be sexualized.


 Hello friends!!  Today I am going to tell you the story of this photo. This photo was a presentation we did as a company at a school. It was our first performance and it was very exciting. We had never participated in children's theater before, so we were very excited and committed to participate. We had less than two weeks to rehearse and that was stressing us out. As the days went by we calmed down and trusted more in the work, so for the presentation, all that didn't matter and we only worried about enjoying ourselves. This picture demonstrates that, all four of us with big smiles on our faces, jumping up and down and the interested children watching. This moment means a lot to me. It was my first presentation doing theater in schools and I hope to continue doing them. Feeling the love of children is an unconditional gift. An experience that made me see how much I like doing theater.