Hello friends!! 

Today I am going to tell you the story of this photo.

This photo was a presentation we did as a company at a school. It was our first performance and it was very exciting.

We had never participated in children's theater before, so we were very excited and committed to participate. We had less than two weeks to rehearse and that was stressing us out. As the days went by we calmed down and trusted more in the work, so for the presentation, all that didn't matter and we only worried about enjoying ourselves. This picture demonstrates that, all four of us with big smiles on our faces, jumping up and down and the interested children watching.

This moment means a lot to me. It was my first presentation doing theater in schools and I hope to continue doing them. Feeling the love of children is an unconditional gift. An experience that made me see how much I like doing theater.


  1. Hello Antonia! What a nice moment. The kids look happy and enjoying themselves. I hope you can continue with these activities.

  2. It's good that you can keep a memory of a moment like this 馃挅

  3. Hi To帽a, it's a very nice photo, and I imagine how special it must be to perform outside of school in front of so many children. Congratulations!

  4. Hi Antonia! Thanks for sharing your picture and the story behind it, I’m sure the kids enjoyed the show. Bye!

  5. Hi Antonia, what a nice experience, it is very important to bring theater to schools and I am very glad that you could do it.


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