
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2023

BLOG - 5 Changes To My Study Programme

  Hello class, today I will talk about the carrer that I decide to study. This is theatrical acting. The curriculum of my career is quite focused on acting, script writing and theatrical direction. Although it is important to emphasize that because the career its called theatrical acting, this subject is where it goes more in to it.     As you go through the different years of the career, you go deeper into these subjects that teach those skills necessary for job opportunities. The workload is high and does not allow for rest on holidays or weekends, because we work rehearsing in groups, so agreeing and managing tolerance is also a great teaching of this course.   The duration of the studies is five years, where in the fourth year you come out with a production that gives the bachelor's degree and in fifth year you work on professional practice, which is another production that can travel to theaters.   The infrastructure is old and cannot cope, more and more attempts are made to i

BLOG - 4 Time Travel to the Past or Future

I have always wanted to go to the past. This is because when I was a child, my grandfather uses to told me stories about his life in other world, because he thinks that the life in the past was so much different that the life we live now. This is why I started to search about the 30´s or 50´s, but then I came to know the 20´s and I think that’s the time that I like. I decided this period to go if I could, not long ago, when I saw the movie “The wolf of wall street” despite of I dream with this time before, in this movie I could appreciate the clothes and music mainly and there is where I want to go.  I want  to know the 20´s in Europe because I don’t know nothing of the 20´s in other place, or what I know its the colonialism in America so I prefer to experiment the magic I see in the movies.  I think that my time travel it’s a trip of curiosity, what I want to say is that I don’t want to stay in that time, because is a dream based on the cinema but I know that it’s an awful time for wo